Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Download Album Terbaru Dragon Force 2015 "In The Line Of Fire"

Download Album Terbaru Dragon Force 2015 "In The Line Of Fire" 

Halo teman2 pencinta Dragon Force, sebelumnya ane minta maaf nih kalau ada yang kurang berkenan dengan postingan ini, karena bukannya ane mau menyebarluaskan bajakan album terbaru Dragon Force, tapi ane cuma mau bantuin temen2 yang susah banget dapetin nih album di Indonesia.

Setahu ane ada situs yang bisa pesen nih album tapi ane cek juga udah Out Of Stock alias stock habis, tapi ga tahu buat kedepannya bakal ada stok lagi pa ga, kalau agan mau beli atau pesen albumnya agan bisa cek aja DISINI.


 Karena sebelumnya ane dah minta maaf, berikut ane mau kasih link downloadnya buat agan2 yang emang susah nyariin nih album sama mungkin juga kantongnya lagi cekak, secara harganya lumayan mahal juga buat kantong2 kaya kita2.

 Kalau pengen liat videonya juga ada nih di Youtube dan ini di upload sendiri sama akun resmi DragonForce, jadi ini legal gan... hehe

Black Winter Night

DragonForce, In The Line Of Fire DVD Track List:
1. “Fury of the Storm”
2. “Three Hammers”
3. “Black Winter Night”
4. “Tomorrow’s Kings”
5. “Seasons”
6. “Symphony of the Night”
7. “Cry Thunder”
8. “Ring of Fire”
9. “Through the Fire and the Flames”
10. “Valley of the Damned”
11. “Defenders” (CD only bonus track)

Read More: DragonForce Ready First Concert DVD, 'In the Line of Fire' | http://loudwire.com/dragonforce-concert-dvd-in-the-line-of-fire/?trackback=tsmclip

DragonForce, In The Line Of Fire DVD Track List:
1. “Fury of the Storm”
2. “Three Hammers”
3. “Black Winter Night”
4. “Tomorrow’s Kings”
5. “Seasons”
6. “Symphony of the Night”
7. “Cry Thunder”
8. “Ring of Fire”
9. “Through the Fire and the Flames”
10. “Valley of the Damned”
11. “Defenders” (CD only bonus track)

DragonForce, In The Line Of Fire DVD Track List:
1. “Fury of the Storm”
2. “Three Hammers”
3. “Black Winter Night”
4. “Tomorrow’s Kings”
5. “Seasons”
6. “Symphony of the Night”
7. “Cry Thunder”
8. “Ring of Fire”
9. “Through the Fire and the Flames”
10. “Valley of the Damned”
11. “Defenders” (CD only bonus track)

Read More: DragonForce Ready First Concert DVD, 'In the Line of Fire' | http://loudwire.com/dragonforce-concert-dvd-in-the-line-of-fire/?trackback=tsmclip
DragonForce, In The Line Of Fire DVD Track List:
1. “Fury of the Storm”
2. “Three Hammers”
3. “Black Winter Night”
4. “Tomorrow’s Kings”
5. “Seasons”
6. “Symphony of the Night”
7. “Cry Thunder”
8. “Ring of Fire”
9. “Through the Fire and the Flames”
10. “Valley of the Damned”
11. “Defenders” (CD only bonus track)

Read More: DragonForce Ready First Concert DVD, 'In the Line of Fire' | http://loudwire.com/dragonforce-concert-dvd-in-the-line-of-fire/?trackback=tsmclip

Kalau ada agan2 yang punya info buat dapetin album asli nya Dragon Force " In The Line Of Fire " Mungkin agan bisa info in dimari, biar banyak temen2 yang bisa punya album terbaru Dragon Force ini.

Thanks You semoga bermanfaat ... 

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